
每日普通话 Daily Mandarin Chinese: A:Nǐ zhīdào Huánɡshān zuì chūmínɡ de jǐnɡɡuān shì shénme ma?你知道黄山最出名的景观是什么吗?Do you know the sights that Huangshan is famous for? B:Huánɡshān zuì chūmínɡ de mò ɡuò yú “ Huánɡshān SìJué ”,Qísōnɡ、Guàishí、Yúnhǎi、Wēnquán,zhēn rànɡ rén tànwéiɡuānzhǐ。黄山最出名的莫过于“黄山四绝”,奇松、怪石、云海、温泉,真让人叹为观止。The Four Wonders of Huangshan are the most famous, namely the fantastic pines, the grotesque rocks, the sea of clouds and the hot springs. All are stunning. http://www.e-putonghua.com/

