
每日普通话 Daily Mandarin Chinese: A:Zhè ɡe zhōumò yǒu shíjiān ma?Wǒmen yìqǐ qù chī ɡe fàn ba。这个周末有时间吗?我们一起去吃个饭吧。Do you have time this weekend? Let's have a meal together. B:Hǎo。Hái qù shànɡcì nèi jiā Chuāncàiɡuǎn ba,wèidào hěn hǎo,jiàqián yě ɡōnɡdào。好。还去上次那家川菜馆吧,味道很好,价钱也公道。Good idea. What about going to the Sichuan Restaurant we visited last time? They offer delicious food with reasonable price. http://www.e-putonghua.com/

